We have lots going on for young people in Dartford midweek and on Sundays. We've got a great team of youth workers who are led by our Youth Pastor. The team provide pastoral support to young people and are frequently involved in schools work and lots of other community outreach events. Take a look below at what's on offer...

We host a youth gathering (Footfinders) on Sunday mornings after the first worship song. It's a great space for teenagers to connect with their friends and to explore more about their faith. This group is for young people in secondary school.
Summer Socials 24
Come and join us on one of the summer youth socials... sign up and info below:

Youth Drop-in
Every Tuesday in term time, drop in to our cafe for a space to relax and spend time with friends and eat treats.
We are there after school until 5pm.

An evening of worship and encouragement for young people in the dioceses of Rochester and Canterbury. Check out our events page for the next date.
Safeguarding for Parents & Carers
We take the safety and wellbeing of your young people very seriously at Christ Church. Every one of our youth leaders has undergone a DBS check and is trained in safeguarding through the Church of England.
If you have any further questions about the measures we take to ensure the safety of every young person, or want to contact us about some specific needs surrounding your child, do email our youth pastor.